Training Staffers
Using Google Docs to Edit Articles
With a very new cohort of staffers, I had to spend lots of time training them on AP Style. This also led to lots of edits on their first articles. After staffers write their first articles, I often leave comments in purple at the top. Here is an example:

I personally had to start implementing deadline grades last year for online articles as many staffers had begun to forget to properly format their articles, attach images and captions, and were making a lot of basic AP Style errors. After implementing deadline grades, I noticed an immense improvement in article quality, especially from staffers who were struggling before.
But before I leave this purple comment, I first read and make edits to the article. I often edit the article directly in "suggestion mode," but sometimes, I will leave comments regarding specific journalistic topics.

Here, I comment mainly on sentence flow and punctuation, as well as editorializing verbs.

This is how an article looks after editing. After staffers make my edits, they send it to our advisor to get final approval before posting.
Last but not least, we have actually started creating AP Style quizzes. Our advisor Ms. Adams used to distribute these quizzes, but stopped until I suggested implementing them again. I do currently have the highest scoring AP Style Quiz Score (with a score of 96%). Below is an example of an AP Style quiz I have made for my staffers, based off of common errors I notice in their work.
In order to keep track of staffers deadlines, and so staffers themselves could help keep track of their deadlines, I created an Online Article Chart. With this chart, I assign staffers their articles and can mark whether they turned it in on-time or late.

I recently implemented drop-down boxes to start keeping track of articles I have to edit, I have to post, and I have already posted. I also have an "Adams editing" option so my advisor, Ms. Adams, knows she still has to edit those articles. I think this system has not only helped me stay more organized, but my staffers as well.